Our Program

True Love Adult Daycare Center


True Love Adult Daycare CenterIndividuals 18 years or older with mild and moderate intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) may apply. 


  • Be ambulatory 

  • No aggressive behavior toward others and to self

  • Able to follow and participate group activities

  • Be toilet trained; independently or on schedules with or without promptings

Program fees:

  • $85 (eighty five dollars) a day with 5 (five) days a week enrollment 

  • Activities fees are additional 

Payment options:

  • Participant directed Medicaid NOW/COMP waivers

  • Family Support Services and Respite funds from Bobby Dodd Institute

  • Private payment

Thank you for your interest. We are looking forward to assisting you. 

For our curriculum details please contact us.

*Informations are subject to change when necessary.